Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Brainstorms and Tsunamis

I've been asked to write a paper for the upcoming philosophy journal. I really have no idea what to write. One thing that is missing often from universities (and beyond I'm sure) is eastern philosophy- but that doesn't mean I'd have to write something. Even so, it's still a passion of mine. [Pondering] I suppose I could go with openly exploring the common assumptions that dwell within the Plato Cave of our Philosophy Department, 9th floor. Or better yet, continue to write about those foggy forests (images of zen paintings come to mind, with simple black strokes elegantly swooped over white backgrounds- those white clouds). Or in other words, perspective. We all have differing ones, so if I play around with the notion that perspective only goes so far- could I possibly introduce the potential of silence? It helps us listen, it helps us see. When we can see that our minds, so busy constructing master defenses for our viewpoints, are actually narrowing themselves- if we see that the effort in a greater, deeper sense is futile (But not pointless), could we then for a moment embrace silence?

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