Night Falls
"So simplify the problem of life, distinguish the necessary and the real. Probe the earth to see where your main roots run. I would stand upon facts." - Thoreau
Blogging List
A Rebirth Into Infinity
11/16/2021: Heroic dose (7.377 grams) of psilocybin mushroom (Penisenvy).
I now have a new appreciation for the Buddhist teachings… Shinzen’s
hardcore dha...
3 years ago
For Epicurus, there are some fears that are perfectly legitimate; so too
are some desires. Epicurus offers a classification of desires into three
types: ...
8 years ago
New tools for understanding a turbulent world - Thomas Homer-Dixon
Today's social sciences have difficulty providing conceptual, analytic and
predictive tools that help policy-makers and the public address
contemporary glo...
9 years ago
Not so Gung-Ho this time
As predicted, I totally failed at keeping with the writing. In spite of the
enthusiasm and spirit of my previous entry, I let everything else get in
the wa...
10 years ago
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